Awilco IMD box 230V Output

Product number:

Awilco IMD box 230V Output


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4.298,40  DKK

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IMDBOX – DGUV Compliant
Safety System

The IMDBOX ensures electrical safety when using an AC 230V energy power system, e.g. mobile inverters- or generators run by fossil fuel inside a vehicle using ’protective separation with insulation monitoring and disconnection’.

More info:

Pierre Villum Schou
T: +45 56 56 54 06
Product NumberAWIMDBOX
StandardsIEC 61439-1, -3
Enclosure materialImpact resistant polyester
Rated Impulse Voltage250V
Earthing systemIT-system
Rated Voltage UE1 x 230 VAC
Nominal current, IEmax. 16 A
Protection against indirect Contact - Connection Box - Outgoing Circuit- CONNECTION BOX Total isolation
- OUTGOING CIRCUIT Automatic disconnection
Weight (kg)1.364
Dimensions (H x W x D)95x190x120 mm
Dangerous GoodsNo
CertificationsCE Conformity
DGUV Conformity

More about the product

IMDBOX – DGUV Compliant
Safety System

The IMDBOX ensures electrical safety when using an AC 230V energy power system, e.g. mobile inverters- or generators run by fossil fuel inside a vehicle using ’protective separation with insulation monitoring and disconnection’.


To provide the highest safety, the IMDBOX is equipped with both a combi C16A/30mA RCBO protection relay and an Isolation Monitoring Device combined with a 16A contactor.


Usually installations inside buildings are connected to the grid with a ground spear or directly to the power plant. However using a ground spear from a moving vehicle is not possible and connecting one from a parked vehicle requires a professional electrician to measure the present resistance in the ground.

The combination of both the protective separation and the integrated protective devices mentioned above, offer a safe environment for end users of AC 230V, both inside and outside vehicles equipped with AC 230V systems connected to the IMDBOX.


The integrated IMD in the IMDBOX continuously monitors the insulation resistance of the unearthed system and the currently measured insulation resistance is indicated on the built-in LED of the IMD. In this way changes such as the connection of loads via socket(s) can easily be visually detected through the hatch.

Using the IMDBOX in vehicles mounted after inverters and other 230V power products will offer you the highest possible safty just as in a building.