Respect for people
We are not all alike, and by AWILCO we take conscious efforts to respect our differences in order to enhance the installed competences in one individual, to support the overall goal for our customers, as well as our internal team.

Respect for open, honest and timely communication
We are continuously training and working to improve our communication to perfection.
We want you to find our communication reliable and trustworthy – because we believe that when you have the best possible information at your disposal, you can make the best decisions for you and your organisation.

Respect for the environment
AWILCO is aware that our day-to-day activities have an impact on the environment, and consequently it is important for us to ensure that we comply with applicable legislation in good dialogue with the municipality and authorities and keep focus on possible environmental improvements and initiatives.
We are in continuous dialogue with and meet proposals for environmental improvements from the employees, who in the day-to-day work have direct access to identify areas with possible improvements.
All employees have access to register proposals that are regularly treated as part of our culture of improvement for the entire company.
We focus on environmental issues in connection with the selection and ongoing evaluation of our suppliers.
We work actively to be able to advise and offer customers environmentally optimal solutions.

Respect for quality and documentation
Reliable and correct information is the best foundation for good decisions.
We expect a high level of quality and documentation from our suppliers – we invite you to expect the same from us.
We therefore respect the need for well documented products and procedures, as this is the way to install the sense of reliability.